Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pretty good day.

Today's been a pretty good day which normally I would just sit back and silently keep to myself but however since I've been feeling quite depressed for the past three weeks I feel the need to write it down.....I guess to relive it in a way.

First thing that was amazing about today was there was a huge ass thunder storm happening from probably about 2am to about 10am. The only bummer with this was that I was woken up by the thunder alot. However seeing as how i live in LA and it's been really hot in Columbia I was more happy then sad about the weather.

Secondly after doing some work and fooling around on the computer I went back to sleep and had one of the best dreams ever. I dreamt I was flying (which is always awesome) over some huge ass swamp with these weird black dolphins and reptiles all chilling in them. Then there was a scene in the dream where I was able to call upon a mass amount of Alligators. One even acted like a dog in my dream....it was super cool. Probably one of the best adventure dreams i've had in a while.

Thirdly I was woken up by my phone and Mike texted me to say he was going to the movies. I decided to jump on this too because 1. i'd get to hang with mike for a bit, 2. it would kill some of my day 3. raining = movies in my book. Turns out mike wanted to see Batman and Hellboy back to back which was super awesome. Seeing Batman again was great, the first time was just too much to take in in one sitting. The film revisited was great and I was able to really sink my teeth into some of the scenes. I think I like the motorcycle scene and any of the sitdowns the Joker had with Batman or Harvey Dent. Such a great film. Hellboy was good too, but got kinda goofy. Special effects were great, but the story line was a little to soft and cheesey which made the film weak.

As for the Rest of the Day....I'm probably gonna sit back and watch one of my guity pleasures while having a glass of wine, then go to jimmy johns for dinner, round that off with a nice evening workout, and go to bed with a book in hand.

Tomorrow I"m gonna be working from 12 to 4, then the plan is to go to the Penguin piano bar & maybe do some workoutin' again.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Were you on the Sony Alpha Tour that went through Cleveland? If so, I met a fellow UMich alum in your group and am trying to figure out how to get in touch with him. If that's a different group, do you know how I might be able to contact him?
