Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tour Part 3

Location: St. Louis, MO
Mood: excited
Weapons: cream cheese

Just a few moments ago i learned of the possibility that I can swing going to Europe for Free! how nifty is that? I wonder if it would actually happen....probably would be quite expensive for food and hotels though.

besides this little ray of light, the tour is otherwise ridiculous.

I dont' think we've actually had one full weekend of work....maybe two....

Every week there has been wind and rain disrupting our promotions so we intern have to pack our gear up early and head back to our bungalows. I dont' mind this, but it does get a little old when you're in work mode and would like to remain in work mode for a longer portion of the day then you're allotted.

Last week we were in Wisconsin when the Tornado/Flash Floods hit, but fear not, we weren't in harms' way. We did however stay on a golf course that weekend so there were puddles all over the place. One traffic light went out, and there was a car submerged under water to boot!

We just arrived in St. Louis yesterday. So far I have found a healthy little corner grocery store, a music venue to attend tonight, and Union station which will probably entertain me for a few hours. Tomorrow I might go to the zoo since I believe it's free here.

Other then that hope you're all doing splendid.

1 comment:

Baron Brown said...

Hi Mary, my name is Baron. I stumbled across this blog via a google search for IMG's DirecTV tour, and I was so surprised to find comments from someone who actually toured for them! I would love a chance to talk more with you in detail. If you wouldn't mind sending me an e-mail, you can reach me at baronbrown@gmail.com
