this week has been busy, lots of music blog researching and reaching out to people for the Music Management project I'm on. Also I wanted to help out my friend Emily sell her Peeps Pies, so I made some deliveries for her, and I barely had time to give Ol' Mamba a car wash, which she was in desperate need of.
One sexy happening though was my friend Lindsay finally got her Coraline shoes from Nike so I got to see those. here's a picture of what they looked like:

So for the past few nights I've made a nasty habit of staying up til like 2, 3 in the morning. This is pretty bad when you have to get up the next day at around 9 to go to work, get out of work at around 5, then come home, try to unwind for a hot minute, then busy the rest of your evening working on music management and contacting blogs for promotions....I am thankful to be doing this, just wish my body's clock wasn't so fishy.
This weekend I had two birthday parties to go to. Got to my friend Mark's just in time for the ol' Happy Birthday Song, then after a few house specialty drinks I decided to cancel on the second party. The rest of the evening was pretty awesome, i'm glad I stuck around for Mark's party. Just good people, good talk, and some catching up. I hate going to parties sometimes and it's alot of the same people you know....then you have to make small talk and sometimes that can be a bother if you're not really friends with the person, or you don't even know them, or you pretty much just have nothing to say to the person, but for some reason you've been shuffled together and have no one else to help fish you out of a bad situation.
I mark's party my ankle went out and since I was real tipsy I put weight on it and sprained it. It hurt real bad, had to sit down for a bit. Today it was swollen and still not feeling so good. I spoke to my friend who's taking massage therapy and she said I can't work out for a week Ugh! hopefully it will be healed tomorrow since she worked on it a bit for me tonight, but if not, it's off to swimming all week and light weights. Working out is my meditation, I can't NOT do it.
So after staying up til 3am for that party I woke up today at around 9 to meet emily and nick for breakfast at dupars'. pretty awesome joint, i thought there was more then three locations though. They have the most kickass mugs...and just thinking about those mugs makes me think about coffee and how i want some...but it's late and I shouldn't.....ANYWAYS they served their pancakes with liquid butter, it was weird, i prefer soft fluffy butter on my pancakes that's slightly melted and therefore a little frothy as it spreads itself across the surface of the pancake...hmmm. They were good though all the same, we all split a short stack and got omelettes. Then afterwards we checked out all their pies....ugh! delicious. Em and i went to 4&20, a different diner two weeks ago and experienced the same luxury of looking at pies, we were about to get one, but then em had to get back to work, oh wel.
alright, well tomorrow I have to get back to the grind of this Music Management thing I'm doing, then have a meeting for it at 7, then go to Thomas Ian Nicholas' Show at the Viper Room with Ryan...and some how work swimming into that as well as other errands....some how I'll manage.