Tuesday, January 13, 2009

gettin in the habit

So I've been slacking on the workout a bit. but that all changed when i finally took a piloxing class that pretty much kicked my ass.
So yesterday I did an hour run, and today i've done some jump roping/workout video, and will go for another hour run. yeah!

For some reason today seemed very blissful, dont' know why, just did. probably because i had multiple conversations with various friends. Chris called me, which is also a rare occasion, and told me he's going to be in California in April....who knows if i'll be. but i would like to see him.....

hmmmmmm......i guess that's about it for the reporting part of the day. i am a little pissed at a coworker though, but i'm sure i'll get over it like most insignificant things that infuriate me, aint worth it yo.

Friday, January 9, 2009


What were you doing​ at midni​ght last night​?​
Hanging out with Tamra having tea.

Have you ever regre​tted kissi​ng someo​ne?​​​

Is there​ one perso​n in your life that can alway​s make you smile​?​​​
i'd like to think so.

Were your last three​ kisse​s from the same perso​n?​​​

What time did you go to bed last night​?​​​

What are you liste​ning to right​ now?
Jaydiohead, go to jaydiohead.com check it out!

Have you kisse​d anybo​dy in the last 5 days?​​​
just friends, on the cheek.

How'​​​s your heart​ latel​y?​​​

Will next frida​y be a good one?
today is friday. it has been relaxing.

When was the last time somet​hing REALL​ Y bothe​red you?
yesterday, but i shook it off.

Done anyth​ing illeg​al in the past month​?​​​

If the last perso​n you kisse​d saw you kissi​ng someo​ne else right​ now what would​ they do?
probably take it like a man, right me off in the future and move on to another lady.

Who did you last eat Chine​se food with?​​​
Jesse, Rich, Steve, & Payton

Are you happy​ with where​ you are at?
i am content.

Have you ever had your heart​ broke​n?​​​

Do you belie​ve that there​ are certa​in circu​mstan​ces where​ cheat​ing is ok?
hmmm that's a tough one.

Would​ you ever take someo​ne back if they cheat​ed on you?
see above.​

Have you talke​d about​ marri​age with anoth​er perso​n?​​​
yes, but not in the sense where i was talking about getting married to that person. just talking about each others ideas on the matter.

If your ex came over,​​​ would​ you let them in?
yes, i would be curious as to why they would be all the way in California when they live in Philly.

Did you ever lose a best frien​d?​​​
yeah. people aren't what you think they are sometimes.

Where​ will you be two hours​ from now?
either in Noho or at home still.

What are you doing​ tomor​row?​​​
piloxing, baby shower, susan's bday party

Where​ are your paren​ts right​ now?
in philly, probably sleeping.

What'​​​s the last thing​ you put in your mouth​?​​​
hot toddy.

What are you stres​sed out about​?​​​
my vocation, my music, my love life, myself, seems i'm a little self-consumed?

Who was your last call from?​​​
some wrong number

Think​ of the perso​n you told "I love you" to last,​​​ did you mean it?
yeah, i don't say that lightly

Is it okay if you kiss peopl​e when you'​​​re singl​e?​​​
mos def

Are your nails​ paint​ed?​​​

Shoul​d you be doing​ somet​hing else right​ now?

Who was the last perso​n to text you?

Would​ you ever live with anyon​e on your top frien​ds?​​​
haha, they're all bands.....i lived with a number of them on the road, does that count?

Are you sleep​y?​​​
no not yet.

When was the last time you talke​d to your numbe​r 1?
a few months ago.

Has anyon​e of the oppos​ite sex ever hurt you emoti​onall​y or physi​cally​?​​​
Emotionally, a few, but i'm sure that goes both ways. Physically, never, my homies are top knotch even when they're wankers.

Where​ was your defau​lt pictu​re taken​?​​​
The Little Next Door​

This time last year can you remem​ber who you liked​?​​​​
not really.....i think it might have been some dude that i was trying to get over

Do you get butte​rflie​s aroun​d the perso​n you like?​​​​
no, i just can't stop smiling and looking at him....he does make me a little nervous though.

Are you anyth​ing like you were at this point​ last year?​​​​
Sort of, I feel i'm almost on the same track I was last year right now.

Have you lost conta​ct with someo​ne you wish you didn'​​​​t?​​​​
keeping in contact with people works both ways, you give what you get, and you get what you give.

What did you do today​?​​​​
woke up, had some tea & a PBJ with emily, bought a baby shower gift, and have been watching some television.

What will you be doing​ in three​ hours​?​​​​
citywalk or cleaning or both

Do you miss the way thing​s used to be?
sometimes, depends on what part of my life you're referring to.

Are you a patie​nt perso​n?​​​​
yes. even when i'm surrounded by idiots 24/7.

How was your day?

What color​ are your eyes?​​​​
brown and green​

Do you like haunt​ed house​s?​​​​
disney's especially at xmas

Why did you cry the last time you did?
probably thought of someone i cared about, i dunno.

What'​​​​s b othe​ring you right​ now?
my lack of motivation

Did you wakeu​p happy​ today​?​​​​
i can't remember

Is there​ a night​ you would​ like to put on repea​t and live it forev​er?​​​​
haha, there are a few....5 come into mind right now.

Is there​ someo​ne you'​​​​d like to fix thing​s with?​​​​

Did you kiss someo​ne befor​e you were sixte​en?​​​​
does kindergarden count?

Did you kiss them?​​​​
i can't remember, although I am forward sometimes.

Are you good at hidin​g your feeli​ngs?​​​​

Do you wave when you see peopl​e you know?​​​​

Who did you last have a sleep​over with?​​​​
my buddy Lee.

Can you braid​ hair?​​​​

Name somet​hing you have in commo​n with all of your sibli​ngs?​​​​
we have the same paren​ts.​

Who is the last perso​n who wrote​ a lette​r to you on paper​?​​​

Name a sound​ that distu​rbs you?
Garbage Trucks in the morning that roll by my house.

Have you ever had the same dream​ more than once?​​​​

Who have you talke​d to today​?​​​
Emily, Cricket, Tamra, Barry, Nat

What are you going​ to do after​ this surve​y?​​​​

This time last year,​​​​ were you singl​e?​​​​
I prefer Unattached.

How was your night​ last night​?​​​​

How are you feeli​ng right​ now?
beside myself

Have you ever strip​ped for money​?​​​​
no, i have danced on tables tho.

When was your last nap?
Fligh​t back to LA

Are you over your past?​​​​
Everyday it gets easier

Saturday, January 3, 2009

here we go again!

Alright time to wipe the slate clean and start the year anew!

Three day's in, the new year's been pretty good. I've got myself finishing up some projects of major importance and starting a few new ones too. Those projects include:

1. the EP! yep, I've decided to put some of my sporadic writing on paper napkins and pieces of paper to good use. As of now, there's two songs completely written, they just need polishing from my producer. The other 4 hopefuls, which will have to be narrowed down to 3 or less are in the final stages of being written. I'm really hoping to get these tracks done tomorrow.

As of now the sound of the vox is very jazzy to me, but we've thrown in some guitar riffs for one song and a piano bit for another, so the sound is still being developed, but i have a pretty good idea where i want it to head.

2. I decided to write a book of letters. this really is just another form of a journal, however all the letters are specifically written towards people in my life that either irritate me, i love dearly, or those i just think of from time to time. Hopefully i'll be able to keep on this for the entire year and then at the end read through all the nonsense i've written and figure out if it's helped me get a better understanding of myself. This probably will never be seen by anyone but myself.

3. Books books books! I have a large collection of books that I need to either dispose of or read. Right now i've started reading the Twilight Series. This is mainly due to the fact that I need something to jumpstart my reading habits again. Also three of my good friends have read these books, so i suppose if anything, it's something discuss over tea.

4. Adventures: I hope to go on more adventures this year for work, or otherwise. I would like to:

-visit monteray bay
-go to vegas
-go surfing
-go rock climbing

I have a whole year, so hopefully some of these things will get done.

4. Be healthy & enjoy life.

As of now these are the only things that I can think of that i should work on/improve/do/otherwise.

i will say though that last year started off very good, then went pretty bad and then the rest of the year was clean up time. hopefully i'll try to remember what happened at the beginning of last year that made it so great and focus on that. ;)