Sunday, December 23, 2007

October 2007 to December 18th 2007

So, after the tour was said and done, I went back to Philly for a little while to hang with the family and friends. There wasn't too many things going on. Saw some friends, celebrated the glorious event that is Halloween! And went to my mom's annual Halloween Party.....oh yeah, there was Chris's b-day which was a bunch of fun!

We all went out for vegetarian chinese food, and then i think a few days later people came over for another celebration at Nat and Mark's house in Northern Liberties. Overall i think Chris had a good 25th b-day.

After seeing people and hanging with the family, i went back to L.A. immediately upon arriving home my computer decided to die on my causing my withdrawal from the web for about two weeks. After a few calls to apple, it was fixed, then it was time to look for a job.

however this coincided with Thanksgiving, which was at nick and emily's and was awesome, so i wasn't looking for something that was going to give me lots of work, becuase i still had to pack for home, run other errands, and hang with friends. Therefore I fell back on the ol' Lush for employment, which was nice.

Probably i'll go back working there as soon as i got back to L.A., that way i'll immediately have a job and a little bit of money coming my way while i try to find employment on tour.

Anyways, i'm back in Philly now. So far i've just been hanging with the family, playing with the dog, and christmas shopping. The only other interesting thing i could say going on is that i'm working on music again, i know i say this alot, but there's one song i've been working on since this summer and i feel like it finally might be coming together.

All my music and recordings got scrapped from my HD failing, so this was the only song i could remember, and i kinda like the way it's going, so i think it's a good sign the rest got scrapped.....

welp. i'm goign to be off, have a good holiday season

(p.s. if this isn't making too much sense or my thoughts aren't worded right, i apologize, i'm watching tv and doing typing)


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